• Tap into Chelsea’s unique ability to break down complex topics in online business, into doable next steps for you to implement
  • Ditch the marketing jargon, and all the fear tactics online, and feel grounded as you explore options of how you can design, market, and grow your online business.
  • Feel truly seen and honored, as you envision what is possible for you and your healing or coaching business.
  • Learn how to bring systems, routines & frameworks into your business planning - without needing to ignore your own intuition and authenticity
  • Be a part of a community committed to exploring Human Design and energetic tools as part of a holistic business plan.

Hello beautiful soul! My name is Chelsea Fournier, your Intuitive Business Mentor.

I say that I am a “business coach mullet”. Former lawyer, systems brain, and business plan flowing joyfully and easily in the front. And crystal waving, sage burning, meditating intuitive in the back.

I have been a business coach for over a decade, which makes me feel like a grandmother in this industry. Deep inner work over the last 2-3 years helped me step into my truth that my mission is to support lightworkers, healers, sensitive souls & visionaries to grow an online business and earn a living doing what you love.

What does that mean? It means I believe you deserve to make a beautifully abundant profit, bringing your gifts, knowledge, expertise & experience to the world, without feeling like you need to be someone you aren’t (authenticity is everything), or being glued to your screen 24/7...