Intuitive Pricing Guide

The simple step by step guide for new coaches & healers, to finally get paid what you're worth & feel confident about the prices you charge.

If you have ever wondered whether you are charging too much or too little for your services...this guide is your next step to claim your most abundant and confident pricing for your coaching or healing business.


Understand your unique value proposition as a confident business owner.

As a coach or healer, you offer a unique set of skills and expertise that sets you apart from the competition.

In order to price your services effectively, you must first understand your unique value proposition.

Walk through a 3-step exercise to get clear on how you are different from other coaches or healers in your space


Set revenue goals so that you love running your business, and it loves you back.

Setting revenue goals is a crucial step in pricing your services as a coach or healer.

You don't have to have a business degree or accounting background to start making smart decisions in your business.

Receive clear guidance on how to set goals that will serve the needs of both you and your business, and set you up for sustainable growth


Tap into your energy & intuition for pricing that honors all of you.

When you are clear that your prices are meeting the needs of you, your business, and your clients...

You are ready for expansion. And it's time to double down on practices that support your energy & honing your intuition.

Resist the urge to outsource your decisions, or ignore your grounding and self-care practices. You are safe to expand.

This guide is designed to help you navigate the critical micro-decisions that add up to creating an aligned pricing strategy for your sessions & services.


One of the most important things you can do in the first few years of your business...

is to feel clear, confident & empowered about the prices you choose to assign to different ways people can work with you.

If your prices feel squishy, or like you pulled them out of thin air...

then every time you go to say the investment out loud, your energy will be off.

You will find people saying they can't afford to work with you (even if they can).

And you may find yourself falling into a convincing energy, or offering discounts or scholarships even though you know your work is worth more than that.

Imagine if every time you spoke about your prices, you exuded confidence and clarity.

Picture yourself standing tall, knowing deep down that the value you offer is worth every penny.

As you confidently state your prices, potential clients are captivated by your conviction and are drawn to invest in your services.

Now, envision finding a compromise between your clients' financial limitations and your need to sustain and grow your business.

You strike a balance that allows you to offer your transformative work to those who may not have a lot of money to invest, while still ensuring that you can fund your business and pay yourself a livable wage.

This compromise aligns with your values and creates a win-win situation where both you and your clients feel satisfied with the value exchange.

This is the vision of what's possible for you as a coach or healer.

Chelsea Fournier is an Intuitive Business Mentor and Human Design guide to sensitive souls, coaches & healers looking to turn your purpose into profit.

She is a former lawyer and business coach with 10+ years of experience, whose spiritual awakening led her to a mission of helping spiritual entrepreneurs take up more space online, to create businesses of both impact & abundance.

Layering Human Design as an energetic tool on top of proven (sensitive-soul friendly) business strategies, you can design the online business you were born to run - no bro marketing, hustle culture, or ick factor required.

When she's not running her business, Chelsea is chasing her toddler son around a park or cooking the next meal or snack for her family (why is it never ending as a mom?)

"Before working with Chelsea, I really struggled with the idea of making money from my gifts as a healer as an energy worker and, and what I have been trained in.

She has really helped me to step into a knowing that I can have a thriving business that I love and that supports me and my daughter, the way that I want it to."

- Amanda Lawrence - Energy Healer / Practitioner

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d/b/a Intuitive Business By Design + Intuitive Marketing Collective

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